The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

A man in a plaid shirt holds an "OPEN" sign inside a bakery, with shelves of baked goods in the background.

Maintaining Business Continuity During the Pandemic

An effective risk management strategy always comes down to preparedness. The recent closings and business disruptions due to COVID-19, the illness caused by the spread of novel coronavirus, once again, demonstrate the importance of companies having a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan (BCP).  If your business is one of many that cannot simply close doors and expect to be able to re-open after the pandemic dies down,having such plan in place will insure that you can maintain the essential functions of your business during a major disruption.

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A woman and two children sit on a black couch, looking at a laptop in a modern living room

Risks of Working from Home and Workers’ Compensation Policy

As Coronavirus spreads worldwide, companies are thinking of ways to keep productivity up, as well as, mitigate the risks to both their employees and the organization’s bottom line. One of the ways a company can manage this is to have its employees work from home. This can be a great way to keep your business running, but only if you can identify and manage the risks involved. This article from Insurance Business America does a great job in outlining potential Workers’ Compensation risks for employees who work from home, and what you can be doing to insure your business is prepared to manage those risks.

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Person with curly dark hair smiling and wearing a black top in a close-up portrait.

Jessica Aviles, VP of Talent Management, Answers Questions about the Internship Program at The ALS Group

Who are you and what is your role at The ALS Group? My name is Jessica Aviles, I am the VP of Talent Management at The ALS Group. I was brought on-board almost two and half years ago to manage the existing talent, drive culture and spearhead the internship program. Those are my main responsibilities at ALS. How do you recruit for an internship? The ALS Group is an independent risk management and insurance advisory firm that provides unbiased advice to C-level leadership. Therefore, our recruitment process is really much more of a personal experience than that of most companies, where internship candidates can come from anywhere. I primarily recruit

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Threats to Consider When Crafting a Social Media Risk Mitigation Plan

Threats to Consider When Crafting a Social Media Risk Mitigation Plan

  Over the last decade, social media has quickly become a prominent way for businesses to advertise, communicate, and educate. On the flip side, it can be a huge risk for those businesses that cannot keep up with the ever changing tools and trends in privacy, security, and marketing. We often see businesses and even public figures falling prey to social engineering scams, ransomware, hacking, and a multitude of other cyber risks. Luckily, with some planning and diligence, mitigating these risks can be quite simple. Below are examples of some threats as well as solutions you can implement now that will help protect your business from some of the most

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A yellow road sign with the text "ARE YOU COVERED?" is shown against a blue sky

Can Novel Coronavirus be a Risk to Your Business?

Last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a warning about the potentially dangerous, rapidly spreading coronavirus that originated in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. According to the WHO the public must be “alert but not anxious”. Information is changing by the hour as doctors and officials evaluate how dangerous this outbreak is, and race against the clock to stop it. For those of you who would like the latest information from the WHO, you can visit their website and view the daily Situation Reports.

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NEW Sexual Harassment Training Requirements Going Into Effect

NY Employer Alert: NEW Sexual Harassment Training Requirements Going Into Effect

On October 9, 2018, NYS and NYC Governments enacted an anti-sexual-harassment law that carries pretty stringent requirements relating to employers’ anti-harassment policies and training. These labor laws have been revised and training requirements have been put in place by the Department of Labor in consultation with the Division of Human Rights. Originally, training was required by January 1, 2019 but, after some push back, the deadline was extended until October 9, 2019.

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A row of file folders highlights the diligent process of insurance and risk management.

Faulty Work & Claims Reporting

I came across an interesting case that illustrates how critical it is to properly notice a “downstream party” of a claim (or potential claim) and require proof that notice was filed with their insurer.

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A tall, modern office building with a glass facade under a clear blue sky, surrounded by trees and a road in the foreground.

ALS Risk Management Internship Program

Risk management is a specialized industry, so we always thought it would be best to grow our own associates, provide opportunities, teach them our way; farm our own talent, so to speak. To build up our firm for future generations, we’ve always thought it important to gather new talent as early as possible.

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Underrated Small Business Threats and How to Safeguard Against Them

5 Underrated Small Business Threats and How to Safeguard Against Them

  Most small business owners have at least some knowledge of the risks they face. Likely their insurance broker has educated them on some basic coverage for workers compensation, property damage, and business interruption to name a few. But several other potential exposures exist that, if left unaddressed, can mean massive and unncessary risk for a small business. As a company grows, so too does its risk. Business owners therefore would be well served to understand exactly what risks they face, how their specific industry affects their situation, and what they can do about it. Never be blindsided by a seemingly unforeseen issue. Visualize worst case scenarios so you can

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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