The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Three construction workers in safety gear sit outdoors on chairs, drinking water to ensure worker safety. In the background, an impressive wind turbine stands tall.

Extreme Head and Worker Safety

With extreme temperatures in full swing, the focus on Worker Safety needs to be a priority. There are many industries that require their workforce to work outside in these high temperatures. It is important to implement aggressive measures to raise workers’ awareness of techniques that can reduce their heat-related stress and injuries. Some of these techniques include: The article below, which was published by the Risk Management Society (RIMS) in 2021, is timeless in the guidance it suggests and gives more information about Worker Safety. The image here is a great example of the measures that can be considered Establishing a safety culture that will recognize these conditions and

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Risk management diagram

Enterprise Risk Management and Total Cost of Risk – Concepts that Align

As insurance procurement becomes more difficult, the industry is inherently requiring an organization to be more thoughtful and responsible for managing its own risk. Gone are the days when underwriters will broadly accept risks that are not well understood or managed by an organization. The concept of risk and insurance is not a “one-dimensional” purchasing strategy but rather a process that an organization should embrace to determine what the most material risks are that could affect their organization and what the financial impact could be of those risks. The result can provide a basis for an organization’s risk appetite1 and how accepting or avoiding risks aligns with the organization’s strategic

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A cargo ship loaded with multicolored containers lies trapped beneath a collapsed metal structure in the water. This situation calls for an immediate risk assessment to prevent further damage and ensure safety protocols are followed.

Hey – That’s My Cargo

Perhaps the last thing we think about when reflecting on the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse is the non-delivery of cargo on the vessel – while that is understandable it might be a bit more of a priority if that cargo were your company’s property. A cargo ship collided with Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, resulting in the collapse of the span and the tragic loss of six construction workers. Officials from the National Transportation Safety Board boarded the ship on Wednesday, a day after the early-morning crash. They intended to recover information from its electronics and paperwork, while divers continued their search for the missing workers. It’s indeed unfortunate

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Skyline of New York City

New Tax Incentives and Zoning Policies for Housing Production in NYC

A terrific article by Herrick ( addresses New York City’s affordable housing program allowing a transformative change with the introduction of legislative amendments to expand housing construction. The modifications of the 421-a program to 421-a(16) has been extended until June 15th, 2031 and allows developers tax benefits while ensuring a percentage of affordable housing. A key component of this program is that foundations must have been completed prior June 15, 2022 One of the challenges in taking advantage of this program is that foundations would have been completed prior to vertical construction starting. This “prior work” is getting a great deal of scrutiny from insurers and we are seeing more and

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Two individuals shake hands, indicating a critical discussion about insurance and risk management.

Builders Risk Insurance An Often Misunderstood Coverage

When a company starts a construction or renovation project the subject of Builders Risk Insurance comes up. It could be when the Construction Management Agreement (CMA) is being drafted or when reviewing lender insurance requirements, but it is bound to happen. Builders’ Risk is a “quirky” coverage in that it is written on non-standard form, covers a variety of exposures, and the terms of coverage generally not well understood by insurance professionals that do not specialize in construction insurance. So, as an Owner, what to do? Well, first thing is to understand what you want to cover. Builders’ Risk has three major coverage areas that can be included: Each area

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Person shoveling snow with a red shovel, wearing black pants and boots

What is your Snowstorm Response Plan

US weather patterns continue to be unpredictable and the Northeast is getting its first taste of snow, so I thought it would be good to reinforce how important it is to have a comprehensive storm response plan.Snowstorms can cause a variety of problems such as, power outages, pipe bursts, and inaccessible roadways for many residents and businesses throughout the U.S. Alternatively, businesses that have remote workers must also deal with issues pertaining to widespread residential outages which can serve as a major disruption for employees with home offices. So, what can you do? If you need more information on any of the topics covered in this blog, or need help

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Silhouetted cranes and machinery work at a port under a dramatic sky with heavy cloud cover.

Hurricane Preparedness For Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide

Hurricanes are one of the most destructive forces of nature, and businesses located in hurricane-prone areas, particularly along the Atlantic coast, must prepare for the inevitable impact of these storms. While we often think of hurricanes in terms of immediate physical damage, the ripple effects—like prolonged power outages, loss of internet, and disruptions to supply chains—can cripple business operations for extended periods. Preparing your business before hurricane season can mitigate potential risks, reduce financial loss, and ensure faster recovery.

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L&L Secures Financing Package for 425 Park Avenue

L&L Secures Financing Package for 425 Park Avenue

The ALS Team congratulates our client, L&L Holding Company, on completing $9111.4 million financing on the iconic 47-story office tower at 425 Park Avenue.  The finance package, obtained through a consortium of lenders led by Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, replaces 425 Park’s original construction loan and will cover the final stages of the project, including full lease-up, prior to being replaced by permanent financing.   We are proud to have had the opportunity to support risk management needs of L&L Holding Company on this project! 

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Additional Insured Vs. Named Insured on a Liability Insurance Policy

Email has been a part of our everyday life for quite some time now. These days with some restrictions imposed on face-to-face interaction, email has become an effective way to communicate. As a result of this the number of emails sent and received daily has been steadily increasing each year. According to Campaign Monitor an average person sends and receives 121 business emails per day. While, this is an effective way to communicate, handling such an amount of emails can become a challenge if one does not have a strategy of how to manage them. Managing incoming emails and ensuring that emails you send are effective is important in this

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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