The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Cyber Exposures Uncovered

What is your business doing to protect itself from the cyber liability threats it faces?  Hackers see small businesses as cash cows and the number of cyber breaches has grown exponentially in recent years.  Smaller to midsize businesses have become the quick and easy target for cyber criminals because of easy access and high payout. As a business owner, you must evaluate your risks and have mitigation strategies in place.

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Six Tips to Better Manage a Virtual Workforce

The face of the American workforce is changing. Today’s organizations include many employees who work almost solely from home. Many of today’s managers agree that virtual work saves organizations money and, actually, increases productivity. However, home-based employees create new risks for employers.

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Fortune Telling: Can You Predict Your Organization’s Future Talent Pool?

While none of us can predict the future, we do not need a crystal ball to tell us that as the Baby Boomers retire in the next decade, there will be a mass exodus of talented and experienced employees leaving the workforce.  What does that mean to you, as one of the leaders of your organization?  Do you see the exodus of the “Boomers” as an opportunity to reduce your labor and health care cost, or, are you concerned that the “War for Talent” will lead to a bidding war with compensation costs spiraling out of control?  One thing is certain, organizations that do not begin developing their talent management

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Does Your Homeowners Policy Respond To The Possible Legal Suits Due to Your Kids Online Activity?

Social media is beyond just emerging now – in fact it is exploding, pervasive and entering many aspects of our lives including Personal Lines insurance.  As articulated in the previous blog on this topic, while parents may be concerned about their children’s online activities, they are not actually thinking about the issue from a risk management and insurance perspective.

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Social Media – Risk vs. Reward

One of the most prominent areas of marketing today involves social media.  Right now you are reading this posting via an on-line platform and, while this is becoming the norm, the risks social media brings are far from “normal”.

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Can You Identify Red Flags in the Life of a Workers’ Injury?

Certain indicators early in the life of a workers’ injury are red flags — a strong possibility your employee’s healing will be delayed or that the claim may be fraudulent. If you notice any of the following signs, discuss the claim with your adjuster as soon as possible. Once the management of a workers’ compensation injury goes astray, it is usually difficult to bring it back to center.

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Do You Know What Your Kids Are Doing Online?

Parents need to think about having a conversation with their teens (and tweens) about safe behaviors when they are behind the wheel… of Social Media that is.  Just as youthful drivers have risks while operating a motor vehicle, there are dangers from the use of social media that can be just as risky. Parents should develop and enforce their own rules of the road to prepare their children for navigating through the online world – whether it’s social media, texting or the general use of smartphones.

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Safety is Not an Accident

A recent Wall Street Journal article highlighted the differences in safety records between small and large drilling companies.  Essentially, the large drilling companies (i.e. market cap in excess of $50 billion) realized a 183% reduction in safety violations per rig drilled compared to small companies (i.e. those with a market cap of less than $2 billion).  While it is tempting to take the viewpoint that “bigger is always better”, in this case that is not necessarily true.  There are some small drilling companies with outstanding safety records (some actually performing better than the “big boys”).  The question is, “What did their management team do to drive great results from operations?”

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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