The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Holiday Shopping Cyber Security Tips

Cybercriminals are Comin’ to Town | Holiday Shopping Cyber Security Tips

If you’re anything like me, you will complete most of your holiday shopping from the comfort of your own home, laptop in hand, attempting to avoid the craziness of department stores and mall parking lots.  Then, a week or so before the big day, you’ll realize that you neglected to order some key gifts and scramble to pick them up in-store.

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Big Breaches Soar, With No Signs of Slowing Down

Big Breaches Soar, With No Signs of Slowing Down

The year 2016 is turning out to be a record one for data breaches, and cybercrime won’t be slowing down any time soon.  According to global digital security firm Gemalto, nearly five billion private records have been exposed globally since 2013. Data breaches were up 15% in the first half of 2016 compared to the prior six months.

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A map of the United States highlighting California in red, with text "Cyber Breach Notification, California Law Amendment

But, the Data was Encrypted… | California Data Breach Notification Law Amendment

Back in May 2016 I posted a blog (Be Prepared – Data Breach Notification Laws are Changing), which covered how data breach notification laws were evolving.  At that time the state of Tennessee amended its law, becoming the first state in the nation to require notification of any data breach, whether the information is encrypted or not.  I also predicted that state laws would most likely become stricter in the not too distant future…

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Taking a Closer Look At Enterprise Risk Management

Taking a Closer Look At Enterprise Risk Management

Every organization is faced with risks and needs to practice some form of risk management in order to maintain the health of the entity. Many take a traditional approach, where risk is managed in silos, with each leader of a business unit (sales, operations, finance, HR, etc.) responsible for managing the risks that fall within his or her area of responsibility.

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Cyber Security | Layering your Defense

Cyber Security | Layering your Defense

Does the threat of Ransomware crippling your organization’s network and operations keep you up at night? At this point, it kind of should. However, there’s a lot your CISO and IT staff could be doing to mitigate the threat and help you sleep a bit more soundly.

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An image with text "ELECTION DAY 2016 Cyber Vulnerabilities" over a faded American flag background.

Election Day | Cyber Concern Runs High

As the world focuses on the outcome of the contentious Presidential race between Trump and Clinton, the US government is on high alert for potential Election Day cyber attacks.  The current global cyber climate, this summer’s Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee, and a recent string of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have intelligence officials highly concerned that cyber event(s) could seriously infringe on today’s election process.

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Tall glass and steel skyscraper with reflective windows, surrounded by construction cranes

Millennium Tower’s Construction Defects – That Sinking Feeling Continues…

Troubles continue for Millennium Tower, the luxury high-rise building that has been coined “the leaning tower of San Francisco” for tilting two inches at its base and sinking 16 inches.  As we predicted in our August 11th blog, a lawsuit ensued and it’s huge: Condo owners filed a $500 million class-action lawsuit against the developers, Millennium Partners, and the Transbay Joint Powers Authority.

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An image with text "ELECTION DAY 2016 Cyber Vulnerabilities" over a faded American flag background.

Presidential Election Cyber Vulnerabilities | What Can We Learn?

With the Presidential Election only days away, the question remains: Will the election be hacked? In this case, a cyber breach can lead to two major issues. The first is stolen data of registered voters; the second issue and perhaps the more frightening one – manipulation of the election results.

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The Power of Parsing Risk: Your Risk Register in Action

Risks pose threats to a broad range of your organization’s resources, such as assets, company reputation or time. These resources are spread throughout a variety of potential risk owners.  In turn, each risk owner may have access to only certain capabilities for addressing risk. For example:

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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