The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

A person holding a magnifying glass over a stack of documents.

Determining Soft Costs Coverage Under Builders Risk Policy

Soft cost, or delay in the project completion coverage has been a hot topic of discussion and concern recently due to the unique claims scenarios that occur during a construction phase of a project. At first glance, the term “soft costs” seems easy to explain. But it’s actually a more complex subject.

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A modern conference room with A large screen perfect for presentations on risk management services in Florida.

What is Business Personal Property Coverage & What Does it Include? (Clone)

  Personal property is one of the most underrepresented and disregarded coverage extensions on a commecial property policy. That is, Business Personal Property (BPP) – the personal property owned by the entity that is the named insured on the policy. BPP covers a variety of items typically identified with being owned in relation to the premises identified on the declaration page of a policy. It is not usually intended to insure the personal property of a firm’s employees or guests. Over the course of the last fifteen years, there have been several key changes to significantly expand the definition of BPP in different ways. Always keep in mind that coverage

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A world map highlighting locations with a high density of activity in Europe, Russia, India, and parts of North and South America

WannaCry Ransomware Attack: Key Healthcare Data Security Takeaways

Source: The New York Times   Though there’s currently no evidence that patient data was breached in last week’s massive cyber attack on UK hospitals, the news sent shock waves around the globe. The ransomware used in the attack, known as “WanaCrypt0r 2.0” or “WannaCry,” disrupted health services and ambulance transports at several hospitals throughout England.

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A computer monitor displaying a webpage is being examined by a magnifying glass

3 Emerging Risks That All Businesses Face in 2017

Last month,, a UK-based website that covers operations risk at financial services firms, released its list of top 10 operational risks for 2017. It’s no surprise that financial services companies face many of the same risks that businesses in all industries face. So what are those top three risks and how can organizations combat them?

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Fundamentals of a Sound Risk Management Program

The 10 Fundamentals of a Sound Risk Management Program

More than 80% of companies don’t manage risk effectively. Is yours one of them? A 2014 survey by a non-profit business research firm found that fewer than 20 percent of executives say their companies effectively manage risk. Companies will often have a process in place to identify and monitor risks. But they fall short when it comes to actually implementing practices to manage those risks as part of the overall strategic plan.

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Ways to Protect Your Employees’ W-2 Information from Cyber Thieves

Four Ways to Protect Your Employees’ W-2 Information from Cyber Thieves

Most companies today opt to distribute their employees’ W-2 tax forms electronically; either through email or some type of download service. Because these forms contain a good deal of Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”), such as name, address, social security number and salary information – cyber thieves are using several simple, yet, tried-and-true methods to fraudulently obtain them.

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Puzzle pieces forming the word "ERM," standing upright against a background symbolize ERM solutions in Florida.

ERM | Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance: The Path to Informed Decision Making

In our previous posts in this series, we introduced Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as a “portfolio view” of risk and discussed various aspects of implementing ERM: roles, culture, a framework and preparing your organization. Now, we’ll begin looking at the “big picture” viewpoint of risk, starting with identifying and prioritizing risks. In the ERM process, management (1) determines acceptable levels of risk, (2) identifies and measures risks throughout the entire organization and aggregates the results, and (3) determines if the aggregated results exceed the acceptable levels. Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance are the expressions of the “acceptable levels” of risk.

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A magnifying glass highlights the words "NOT COVERED" on a document, emphasizing the exclusions listed in your cyber insurance policy.

Gaps and Exclusions | How Will Your Cyber Policy Respond?

When the front lines of IT security fail and a cyber breach occurs, businesses often rely on insurance to reduce the often extreme financial impact associated with the breach. Policies are usually written to ensure that the insured recovers extra expenses incurred and are covered for fines and penalties placed on the company by regulatory agencies.

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The Internet of Things (IoT)

Is a Cyber Breach on Your Holiday Wish List? | The Internet of Things (IoT)

The holiday season usually means new tech gadgets for everyone to tap, swipe, click, and download.  Most people who unwrap a new iPhone, MacBook, Smartwatch, Fitbit, or game console probably aren’t considering the ramifications of connecting those devices to the Internet and setting up new user accounts filled with their personal information.  Unfortunately, we live in a time where have to, or at the very least, should.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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