The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Current State of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act

The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is a law that would help insurers cover losses for events that are designated as acts of terrorism and reach levels of insured damage in excess of $27.5 billion. This was in reaction to 9/11 and the impact that this had on the insurance industry. It was signed into law in 2002, renewed several times, and is once again set to expire on December 31, 2014.

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ATV, Snowmobile, RV and Jet Ski Insurance: A Stand Alone Policy Is Best For Toys

Are you an owner of an ATV, snowmobile, jet ski or RV? Then you know the value of a good time. What is not so easily known is where to find the best insurance protection for your toys. Homeowners and Auto policies rarely cover both property and liability adequately for these types of vehicles. Therefore, in most cases, it is a best practice to procure a stand alone policy. A stand alone policy has the best safeguards in place to ensure proper coverage is in full effect. At a minimum, liability insurance is required in most states and relying on a Homeowners or Auto policy to provide the necessary coverage

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How to Do Business Abroad in a Decade of Increasing Risk: Part 3

Doing Business Abroad: What’s Next? As we have highlighted in Part 1 and Part 2 of Doing Business Abroad, a company’s Directors and Officers can be exposed to a large number of risks overseas. One particular area that can often be overlooked is developing and implementing solid policies and procedures for protection from the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as well as the UK Bribery Act. Directors & Officers Liability policy does provide some mitigation for this risk, however, the cost for violating these laws could cause irreparable harm to your company including paying fines well in excess of coverage that is available in the market place.

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Enterprise Risk Management – Keep it Simple

Last week, I attended the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Workshop in North Carolina, held by North Carolina State University (NCSU). This was the second such meeting that was hosted by NCSU. While many topics were discussed, the recurring theme resonating through the workshop was how can a company effectively report an ERM program to the board and explain how such program adds value.

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How to Do Business Abroad in a Decade of Increasing Risk: Part 2

How to Design Directors & Officers Program That Protects Company’s Assets both in the United States and Abroad As we highlighted in Part 1 of doing business abroad, understanding the personal exposures of Directors and Officers is a challenge for today’s multinational companies. This is particularly important when you begin to contemplate company employees’ individual duties, the probability of potential lawsuits and the regulatory landscapes that can vary widely from country to country.

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How to Do Business Abroad in a Decade of Increasing Risk

“US Executive Working Abroad Faces Charges Related to Protection Scam and Bribery” This headline means much more than embarrassment for the American company in its overseas operations. It means exposure to enormous financial liability if the foreign court finds the executive culpable, along with associated defense costs, even if the court finds the executive innocent of the charges.

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How to Prevent Internal Fraud from Crippling Your Organization

In its 2012 Report to the Nations, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) found that organizations typically lose five percent of their revenue to fraud each year. Even more frightening is this statistic from that report: the medium loss of survey respondents was $140,000. Over one-fifth of the losses studied exceeded $1 million. Small-to-medium sized businesses are often fraud targets because they lack anti-fraud controls. The smallest organizations in the ACFE study suffered the largest median losses.

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SUPERBOWL –Black Out or White Out? What’s “Plan B”?

I’m sure everyone remembers the day the lights went out for 34 minutes during the Ravens/49ers  Super Bowl in 2012. Other than Ray Lewis having some choice words about the outage being more than a coincidence, the effects were minimal. What would have happened if they did not go back on?

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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