The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

IRMI 2014 Conference Recap

It was interesting to stay at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN, while attending this year’s IRMI Construction Risk Conference. You see, the whole time we were there, the property was being dressed for the Christmas season. Garland, ribbons, lights, candy canes and brightly wrapped packages were being strategically placed throughout the hotel, as well as all over the grounds. And the biggest indoor tree I’ve ever seen was being erected right before our eyes. Apparently, this property is quite famous for its elaborate holiday décor. Click here to enjoy some photos from the conference.

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Builders Risk: Attend to the Details Up Front

As you may have heard, The ALS Group is attending the annual IRMI Construction Risk Conference in Nashville, TN.  I was happy to attend a workshop on Insuring Delay in Opening and Associated Costs, as the presenters hit on two of my pet peeves – declare all values at the beginning, before construction begins, and the contractor’s or construction manager’s fees (as part of its General Conditions) are included in the Hard Costs of the builder’s risk policy. Whether you are the owner/developer or the contractor buying Builder’s Risk coverage for a project, it is important that your values are detailed and reported up front.  It’s at the beginning, when

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Admitted vs. Non-Admitted Insurance: What’s the Difference?

We are frequently asked what the difference is between an admitted and non-admitted insurance company. Related follow-up questions will often include: Is there a premium savings? Should I be concerned about coverage terms and conditions? Are there tax implications for my business?

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Music City, Here We Come!

In case you missed the news, we’re going to IRMI! The annual Construction Risk Conference kicks off in just a few short days, and we’re so excited to be sending members of the ALS team to Nashville. Nick Sica, Senior Analyst, will be in attendance as IRMI celebrates 34 years of dedication to improving the construction risk management landscape.

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Snow Removal by a man

Snow Removal: Don’t Get Buried!

Winter will soon be upon us, whether we’re prepared or not. We’ve shared this article about the dangers of improper snow removal for property owners in the past, but as one of the realities of living and doing business in the Northeast, an annual reminder doesn’t hurt.

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Commonly Misused Terms: Broker vs. Agent

There are several terms in the insurance industry that frequently are misused or confused. For example, the terms broker and agent are consistently used interchangeably; however, the role of each is very different and important.

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Tips to Minimize Holiday Party Risks

Some of you may be thinking that it’s far too early to start thinking about the holidays, but the reality is, many of your organizations will be planning holiday parties in the coming weeks. While taking a break to unwind and celebrate with co-workers should be a happy experience, it is important that those involved in planning the company holiday party are mindful of the underlying risks associated with such an event in order to strive for an incident-free celebration.

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Business in the Time of Ebola

Switch on the TV and you’d find it difficult NOT to hear about Ebola. The economic damage already done in West Africa tallies in the billions and continues to threaten the local economies. Is your company prepared for the impact of Ebola? Are you taking advantage of the risk management solutions to help protect you?

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5 Ways a Risk Manager is Like a Golf Caddie

As a former NCAA golfer and avid golf fan who now manages risk, I couldn’t help but be struck by the similarities between a golf caddie and a risk manager. For those of you who share my love of the game, it’s easy see how managing business risks is not unlike playing a round of golf. In golf and in business, there is always a risk versus reward consideration applied to decision-making. While many opt for the risky play on the golf course without much concern for a penalty or lost ball, the same approach is not typically prudent in business.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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