The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Two individuals in formal attire discuss a document focused on vendor compliance management.

Contracts TCoR and ERM – How They Go Together

In the last chapter of our series, we introduced the concept of using a risk register and a materiality table to qualify and quantify risk exposures. Building on that foundation, this chapter focuses on how these tools can influence the Risk & Contract Review process. While, it may seem unconventional, to take a formal risk-based approach to contract reviews, doing so adds tremendous value by systematically identifying and addressing potential risks before contract execution. Before the advent of modern technology, organizations often relied on a “buck slip” process for document circulation and approval. A document would move from one manager to the next, gathering signatures as each reviewed and approved

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Close-up of a file tab labeled "Risks" in a filing system, highlighting the importance of risk management services.

There’s Value in Measuring the Total Cost of Risk (TCoR)

Businesses face a wide range of risks that can impact their operations, profitability, and long-term sustainability. Understanding and controlling these risks is crucial for staying competitive and positioning a company for growth. One essential tool for achieving this is by measuring the Total Cost of Risk (TCoR).

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A person's hand holding a pen, writing on a sheet of paper placed on a wooden table.

Supply Chain Risk – What Does the Contract Say?

As companies think about their supply chain and the risks that are inherent with that area, a good place to start is with your contract terms with the supplier – what are the terms you want? What are the terms you have agreed to? With the unsettling state of affairs of the world today, a manufacturer or distributor has to be properly vetted and the terms of supply carefully considered. What is an acceptable delay or non-delivery?

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A large iceberg, with a small visible portion above the water

Total Cost of Risk (TCoR) – Strategies for Cost Savings

As part of any effective risk management program, the quantification of the Total Cost of Risk (“TCoR”) is an important number to focus on. This article focuses on how Workers Compensation (“WC”) costs contribute to a company’s TCoR and, specifically, how the Experience Modification (“X-MOD”) factor works and can be managed. We take TCoR seriously in our risk advisory practice as having a TCoR that is lower than a company’s peers gives that company a competitive advantage in, both, how it conducts its business and the opportunities it can pursue.

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Enterprise Risk Management | Monitor, Measure, and Evolve

Enterprise Risk Management | Monitor, Measure, and Evolve

In our previous posts on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), we defined ERM and addressed how to set up the program and use it to assess and treat risks. We have come a long way! In this post, we evaluate the program. ERM is not a static program. An effective approach to evaluating and enhancing the performance is a three-part one: measure, monitor and, most importantly, evolve.

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A hand in a white shirt executing risk treatment by stopping a line of falling dominoes on a white surface.


In our latest posts on Enterprise Risk management (ERM), we addressed the three phases of Risk Assessment: Risk Identification and Risk Analysis and Risk Evaluation. In this post, we turn our attention to Risk Treatment.

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Puzzle pieces forming the word "ERM," standing upright against a background symbolize ERM solutions in Florida.

ERM | Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance: The Path to Informed Decision Making

In our previous posts in this series, we introduced Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as a “portfolio view” of risk and discussed various aspects of implementing ERM: roles, culture, a framework and preparing your organization. Now, we’ll begin looking at the “big picture” viewpoint of risk, starting with identifying and prioritizing risks. In the ERM process, management (1) determines acceptable levels of risk, (2) identifies and measures risks throughout the entire organization and aggregates the results, and (3) determines if the aggregated results exceed the acceptable levels. Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance are the expressions of the “acceptable levels” of risk.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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