The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

A map of the United States highlighting California in red, with text "Cyber Breach Notification, California Law Amendment

But, the Data was Encrypted… | California Data Breach Notification Law Amendment

Back in May 2016 I posted a blog (Be Prepared – Data Breach Notification Laws are Changing), which covered how data breach notification laws were evolving.  At that time the state of Tennessee amended its law, becoming the first state in the nation to require notification of any data breach, whether the information is encrypted or not.  I also predicted that state laws would most likely become stricter in the not too distant future…

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Cyber Security | Layering your Defense

Cyber Security | Layering your Defense

Does the threat of Ransomware crippling your organization’s network and operations keep you up at night? At this point, it kind of should. However, there’s a lot your CISO and IT staff could be doing to mitigate the threat and help you sleep a bit more soundly.

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An image with text "ELECTION DAY 2016 Cyber Vulnerabilities" over a faded American flag background.

Election Day | Cyber Concern Runs High

As the world focuses on the outcome of the contentious Presidential race between Trump and Clinton, the US government is on high alert for potential Election Day cyber attacks.  The current global cyber climate, this summer’s Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee, and a recent string of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have intelligence officials highly concerned that cyber event(s) could seriously infringe on today’s election process.

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An image with text "ELECTION DAY 2016 Cyber Vulnerabilities" over a faded American flag background.

Presidential Election Cyber Vulnerabilities | What Can We Learn?

With the Presidential Election only days away, the question remains: Will the election be hacked? In this case, a cyber breach can lead to two major issues. The first is stolen data of registered voters; the second issue and perhaps the more frightening one – manipulation of the election results.

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Cyber Risk in the Supply Chain

Cyber Risk in the Supply Chain | Dyn DDoS

The massive October 21st distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on Dyn, a prominent Domain Name Server (DNS) provider, resulted in many US websites going offline. The attack was very sophisticated and precisely targeted. While no customer data was breached in this event, it was still extremely impactful on the effected organizations. When the DNS provider went offline, more than 100 popular websites, such as Reddit, Twitter, Box, Spotify, PayPal, Squarespace and Amazon Web Services (AWS) were unavailable. While most of us could survive without Twitter – though barely – the unavailability of web hosting platforms such as AWS, Box and Squarespace most likely caused interruptions in numerous businesses.

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The image features three red squares with the text "Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).

What’s Behind the Counter? Enterprise Risk Management Can Be a Retailer’s Edge

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) concepts can help retailers create a competitive advantage out of the business of managing risk. ERM’s “portfolio view” collects all risk and mitigation activity into a single Risk Register. This enables management to coordinate mitigation efforts across functions, rather than leaving risk to be managed in a patchwork fashion among various pockets in the organization. These are the critical areas for retail organizations where embracing an ERM approach adds value and opportunities that would likely otherwise be “missed:”

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A document titled "Cyber Security Insurance" is displayed below the header "Cyber Risk Mitigation." The document contains comprehensive blocks of text related to cyber insurance policies.

It’s 2016 – Do you Know Where your Cyber Insurance Is?

Organizations that are seeking process efficiency and an edge on their competitors look toward technology to support their business plans. Often, new technology advancements will enhance an organization’s performance but unfortunately, the introduction of new software, systems and processes open them up to (unanticipated) cyber-related risk and exposures.

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National Cyber Security Awareness Month

It’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about cyber security, with 2016 marking its 13th year. If you’ve been following our posts, then you know that we place a great deal of importance on cyber security and strategic planning to mitigate cyber risk every month of the year. However, given the special occasion, now is the perfect time to rethink and enhance your personal and company security measures.

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Oil and Gas Consolidation: Hidden Risk in the Pipeline

Oil and Gas Consolidation: Hidden Risk in the Pipeline

Nine out of the 10 largest bankruptcies in the first half of 2016 were energy companies, according to investment insights publication The Turnaround Letter. Eight of those were oil and gas companies, specifically. Such widespread failures throw not just assets but whole segments of operations up for  grabs.  As the buyers assimilate these operations, it is no surprise that the acquisitions change the risk profiles of the new owners.

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Cyber Risk | Retail Sector Spotlight

Cyber Risk | Retail Sector Spotlight

It doesn’t take a cyber risk expert to realize that the retail industry is a prime target for hackers, and that some of retail’s most iconic brands have made front-page, breaking news when it comes to millions of lost or stolen data records. Primary Cardholder Information (PCI) is extremely valuable amongst those on the “Darknet,” once described by PC Magazine as “the hidden, anonymous underbelly of the searchable Web.” Since larger retailers handle these records in the hundreds of thousands to millions, hackers are looking for any entry point into their networks to extract credit card and customer account data.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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