The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Citi Bike Data Breach – Is Your Private Information “Secure”?

Think about how many times in the past year you have entered private information onto a website’s “secure” system; your name, credit card information, date of birth, social security number, billing address, mailing address, and/or security questions and answers and that’s how many times you were exposed to identity theft.   Each bit of information you provide online can be used by hackers to steal your identity. A cyber security breach is one of the most dangerous and harmful risks for any company regardless of the size or industry.  As highlighted throughout our Cyber Risk blog series, it is nearly impossible to be 100% protected from cyber criminals.  While having the

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Parental Control Tools Online Can Mitigate Your Risks – Yep, There’s An App For That!

Despite being ripe with positive, useful and educational information, the internet is chock-full of potent dangers, and your children can get into quite a few uncomfortable and, sometimes, dangerous situations whether it is intentional or not. As highlighted in our past blogs on this topic, if you have a standard Homeowners policy, you will likely have little protection from the legal liabilities that can result from inappropriate actions via the internet.

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Cyber Exposures Uncovered

What is your business doing to protect itself from the cyber liability threats it faces?  Hackers see small businesses as cash cows and the number of cyber breaches has grown exponentially in recent years.  Smaller to midsize businesses have become the quick and easy target for cyber criminals because of easy access and high payout. As a business owner, you must evaluate your risks and have mitigation strategies in place.

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Six Tips to Better Manage a Virtual Workforce

The face of the American workforce is changing. Today’s organizations include many employees who work almost solely from home. Many of today’s managers agree that virtual work saves organizations money and, actually, increases productivity. However, home-based employees create new risks for employers.

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Does Your Homeowners Policy Respond To The Possible Legal Suits Due to Your Kids Online Activity?

Social media is beyond just emerging now – in fact it is exploding, pervasive and entering many aspects of our lives including Personal Lines insurance.  As articulated in the previous blog on this topic, while parents may be concerned about their children’s online activities, they are not actually thinking about the issue from a risk management and insurance perspective.

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Social Media – Risk vs. Reward

One of the most prominent areas of marketing today involves social media.  Right now you are reading this posting via an on-line platform and, while this is becoming the norm, the risks social media brings are far from “normal”.

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Do You Know What Your Kids Are Doing Online?

Parents need to think about having a conversation with their teens (and tweens) about safe behaviors when they are behind the wheel… of Social Media that is.  Just as youthful drivers have risks while operating a motor vehicle, there are dangers from the use of social media that can be just as risky. Parents should develop and enforce their own rules of the road to prepare their children for navigating through the online world – whether it’s social media, texting or the general use of smartphones.

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BYOD | “and the (risks) just keep on coming…”

So, I changed the famous line a bit so we can all remember that changing to a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy needs to be a well thought out plan for organization of any size. There are a myriad of risks that must to be addressed, not the least of which is cyber risks from downloading a malicious malware program disguised as a “cool application”

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Are You Prepared to Handle a Cyber Breach Investigation?

Imagine a hacker infiltrated your website; the names, contact information, credit cards and social security information of every customer (and/or employee) are now being sold on the cyber-crime black market. Your website is no longer accessible, your overall reputation is tarnished and your company may possibly never recover.  This has been the reality for many businesses. The “risk mitigation” steps to avoid these events are where the focus really needs to be placed. Buying insurance, while nice, will not insulate the Company from all the “nasty” things that will likely occur from a data or privacy breach.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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