The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Supply Chain Reputational Risks Heightened Amid Recent Worldwide Factory Deaths

A recent Wall Street Journal article about a high profile factory accident, this time in Cambodia, brings new emphasis to the fallout that can arise from supply chain risk. Asics Corporation, the Japanese sport shoe manufacturer, sourced some of its shoes from a factory in Phnom Penh. In April 2013, a mezzanine floor collapse killed a young father and a young woman who, reportedly, was only 15. The incident also injured a number of other workers. Fallout from the incident was almost immediate. Asics instructed its nine suppliers in Cambodia to join Better Factories Cambodia, which keeps tabs on working conditions in the Cambodian garment industry.

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Five Ways to Avoid Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Nothing upsets a business owner or manager more than paying for and managing the fallout from a suspect workers’ compensation injury. Here are a few but, certainly not all, ways employers can help prevent a fraudulent claim and avoid allowing employees to extend their time away from work once injured.

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Out of Pocket Limits Changes Begin in 2014

In employers’ 2014 plan year, all companies must ensure their non-grandfathered plans adhere to a single out of pocket (OOP) maximum for their employee’s health care plan expenses. This requirement applies to both fully insured and self-insured plans. Going forward, the OOP limit must include all spending on medical, prescription drugs and both mental health and substance abuse treatment benefits. Actuarial estimates indicate this change could increase employer health care costs between 1.5% and 2% next year.

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Parental Control Tools Online Can Mitigate Your Risks – Yep, There’s An App For That!

Despite being ripe with positive, useful and educational information, the internet is chock-full of potent dangers, and your children can get into quite a few uncomfortable and, sometimes, dangerous situations whether it is intentional or not. As highlighted in our past blogs on this topic, if you have a standard Homeowners policy, you will likely have little protection from the legal liabilities that can result from inappropriate actions via the internet.

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Human Error and Enterprise Risk Management

When evaluating your company’s risks, one concept that is frequently overlooked is the idea of how human error could impact your organization.  Until recently, there has been very little written on this subject. However, in the recent issue of the RIMS Risk Management Magazine, an article by Tony Kern and David McKay touched on this point and successfully demonstrated how human error is one risk that companies must continually monitor.

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Construction and Certificates of Insurance – Are You Covered?

One of the most commonly found clauses in any construction contract is the requirement of one party to name another party as an additional insured. It is found in The American Institute of Architects (AIA) documents, the Consensus DOCS, and was inserted in almost all manuscript agreements.

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Cyber Exposures Uncovered

What is your business doing to protect itself from the cyber liability threats it faces?  Hackers see small businesses as cash cows and the number of cyber breaches has grown exponentially in recent years.  Smaller to midsize businesses have become the quick and easy target for cyber criminals because of easy access and high payout. As a business owner, you must evaluate your risks and have mitigation strategies in place.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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