The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 


With the continued news reports of  data breaches of high profile businesses, most recently Target, Adobe, Lexis Nexis, and Apple, I thought I would provide you a few thoughts to add to your risk management “New Year’s resolutions” (I know you have them…). Since most of you know I travel quite frequently, both domestically and internationally, I use the wait time at airports, hotels, etc. to work.  I thought the article in the last issue of Executive Travel magazine is a good reminder to all of us on electronic “travel security” and how not to be duped by the growing sophistication of the hackers who prey on the weary business

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What Makes an ERM Program a Success?

I recently attended the Enterprise Risk Management Roundtable Summit in North Carolina held by NC State University that included representatives from Harley Davidson and Caterpillar among  the speakers. This summit helped me gain insight into the emerging importance of a comprehensive risk management program and different strategies the companies have implemented.

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Political Risk – It Is More Than Just Insurance Coverage

Civil unrest in nations formerly viewed as politically stable, such as Sweden and Brazil, is forcing global organizations to consider Political Risk insurance coverage. A recent paper by nationally recognized insurer called the need for Political Risk coverage a “top emerging concern” for global companies.  This coverage is meant to help mitigate political exposures that are, normally, excluded from standard property policies to cover the risk to a company’s physical and financial assets. Some of the perils this policy will insure against are Terrorism, Riots, Deprivation or Confiscation of Assets, Strikes, Civil Commotion, Exchange Transfer Risk, Rebellion, and Insurrection. It is very difficult to model, price and determine the appetite for

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A risk management consultant in a suit stands on a modern balcony, holding a smartphone

Premises Liability

Jury verdicts for premises liability against those who own or manage land, stores, taverns, shopping malls and apartment complexes just keep climbing. A few California verdicts include a $7.5 million judgment after a chiropractor slipped and fell in a Starbucks and a $55 million verdict for a gang-related shooting against a security company that oversaw on-site safety at an apartment complex.

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The Value of the Incident Report

Even when no injury occurs, after any workplace incident or accident, a written incident report allows a timely investigation. Some incidents are minor and need only slight fixes to prevent their recurrence. However, in more serious situations where a serious injury or property damage could have or did occur, a subsequent failure analysis allows management to determine how to best prevent similar occurrences.

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Making the Most of Your Equipment Breakdown Coverage

Productivity motivates today’s business owners, which includes purchasing the latest computer-driven equipment and machinery. To help protect their investment, most companies purchase property insurance coverage. However, the sophistication of today’s equipment may leave businesses underprotected if they  only take a traditional approach to their property coverage.

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Citi Bike Data Breach – Is Your Private Information “Secure”?

Think about how many times in the past year you have entered private information onto a website’s “secure” system; your name, credit card information, date of birth, social security number, billing address, mailing address, and/or security questions and answers and that’s how many times you were exposed to identity theft.   Each bit of information you provide online can be used by hackers to steal your identity. A cyber security breach is one of the most dangerous and harmful risks for any company regardless of the size or industry.  As highlighted throughout our Cyber Risk blog series, it is nearly impossible to be 100% protected from cyber criminals.  While having the

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Map Out Your Risk – Beware of High Hazard Flood Zones

Real estate is one of the most important assets one can have regardless of owning personally or as a business entity. As they say, it’s all about location, location, location – so you better know exactly what risks you are going to be exposed to when looking to purchase new property or simply evaluating your current location(s). In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy the scrutiny of flood insurance policies is at an all-time high, particularly, in the northeast. When assessing the value of any new or current property and the insurance requirements and costs that come with it, understanding where it is in relation to local flood zones is critical.

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The New York City Council recently overrode a veto by Mayor Bloomberg to pass the Earned Sick Time Act. This new legislation will require most private employers in New York City to provide paid or unpaid sick leave to employees working in the city. Beginning in April 2014, businesses with at least twenty employees will be required to provide a minimum of forty hours (five days) of paid sick leave. Coverage will expand to businesses with 15 or more employees starting in October 2015. Some businesses will be exempt from providing paid sick time; they will, however, still be required to provide leave without pay to employees.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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