The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Tips to Minimize Holiday Party Risks

Some of you may be thinking that it’s far too early to start thinking about the holidays, but the reality is, many of your organizations will be planning holiday parties in the coming weeks. While taking a break to unwind and celebrate with co-workers should be a happy experience, it is important that those involved in planning the company holiday party are mindful of the underlying risks associated with such an event in order to strive for an incident-free celebration.

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Business in the Time of Ebola

Switch on the TV and you’d find it difficult NOT to hear about Ebola. The economic damage already done in West Africa tallies in the billions and continues to threaten the local economies. Is your company prepared for the impact of Ebola? Are you taking advantage of the risk management solutions to help protect you?

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5 Ways a Risk Manager is Like a Golf Caddie

As a former NCAA golfer and avid golf fan who now manages risk, I couldn’t help but be struck by the similarities between a golf caddie and a risk manager. For those of you who share my love of the game, it’s easy see how managing business risks is not unlike playing a round of golf. In golf and in business, there is always a risk versus reward consideration applied to decision-making. While many opt for the risky play on the golf course without much concern for a penalty or lost ball, the same approach is not typically prudent in business.

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Cyber Risk is Real: Fill in Liability Gaps with Insurance

Data breaches are a very serious threat to companies and individuals; their occurrence and impact is increasing drastically year over year. Hackers are looking to steal your financial data, personal information, and intellectual property.  Often, the financial and reputational impact of a breach can be disastrous for an organization.

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We’re Going to IRMI – Are You?

The IRMI Construction Risk Conference is in its 34th year, and this year promises to be bigger and better than ever, with more attendees registered than in recent years.  We are looking forward to being part of the action! There are some older and new trends in the industry that we want to hear more about – the country’s aging infrastructure, Alternative Project Delivery and what the insurance industry is now saying about New York Labor Law.

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Understanding Your Organization’s Risk Tolerance Levels

A constant struggle for the risk manager of an organization is balancing the profitability expectations of its shareholders and maximizing operational efficiency of the risk management team in order to reduce the organization’s Total Cost of Risk (TCoR). Having a clear perspective of the organization’s appetite for risk and risk tolerance is a fundamental element needed in order to achieve this balance.

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Business or Pleasure? Either Could Become a Nightmare without a Mobile Security Policy.

So you are traveling for business or you have finally scheduled a few days away from the office. You pack your bags and are sure to not forget your mobile phone, tablet, and laptop. Now stop for a second and consider the consequences if one of those devices goes missing, is lost, stolen, or even hacked. How much personal or company data would be at risk? Bank account information, e-mails, contact information, confidential business documents. It’s all there for the taking.

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A modern conference room with A large screen perfect for presentations on risk management services in Florida.

What is Business Personal Property Coverage & What Does it Include?

One of the most underrepresented and disregarded coverage extensions on a commercial property policy is personal property. That is, Business Personal Property (BPP) – the personal property which is owned by the entity that is the named insured on the policy.  BPP covers a variety of items that are typically identified with being owned in relation to the premises identified on the declaration page of your policy. It is not typically intended to insure the personal property of a firm’s employees or guests. Over the course of the last fifteen years there have been several changes to significantly expand the definition of BPP in several different ways. Keep in mind

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ERM: Process or Strategy? Where is the Value?

The recent Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Workshop held by North Carolina State University was chock full of valuable information. It was attended by seasoned risk and audit professionals all looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of their own ERM programs.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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