The ALS Group Risk Management Articles

We manage more than a quarter billion dollars of premiums for a diverse range of clients around the globe. 

Ransomware – To Pay or Not to Pay? That is the Question

Ransomware strikes. Your critical data files have been encrypted and your business grinds to a halt. You have the choice to spend countless hours rebuilding from backups (if you were diligent enough to ensure they will work) or you can pay the perpetrator to unlock your files. This is the scenario many, many firms and individuals are facing now that ransomware is spreading like wildfire through malicious emails, “malvertising” campaigns and exploit kits.

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Is Access to Your Data for Sale?

One of the most significant cyber threats to any company’s security is the Rogue Employee. Who is this person? Someone who has been entrusted with access to the system(s); (i.e. databases, customer records, HR records, confidential email, etc.) and who chooses to hurt the company and fellow employees by intentionally performing a wrongful act or providing another with the ability to do so.

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Are You Covered for Legionella?

Legionella, a harmful bacteria that causes the pneumonia-type illness called Legionnaires’ disease, was initially identified in 1977 after being responsible for 34 deaths. Since the initial discovery, outbreaks have occasionally surfaced. In 2015, numerous outbreaks in New York City; specifically in the Bronx and Queens, infected nearly 150 people and resulted in 13 deaths.

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Cybercriminals Are Holding Data for Ransom

Ransomware seems to be everywhere and is one of the latest cyber crime tactics being utilized by cyber criminals to extort money from companies. This malicious code can lock or encrypt your network files or PC until a hefty fee is paid. It can infect your PC, server, network files, and or backup systems and can enter your network through an infected email attachment, downloaded file, or a vulnerability in a network service.

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Work Safely or Pay the Consequences – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to Boost Penalty Amounts

Failing to provide a safe work environment for employees will leave employers paying the consequences from both a financial and workforce standpoint. We all know that an unsafe work place can make it very difficult for good contractors to attract good tradesman; nobody wants to go to work thinking they have an increased likelihood of being injured due to the negligence of their employer.

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Food Safety & D&O Insurance

It was not a very happy new year for Chipotle having been slapped with a shareholder class action lawsuit for “having known the fast food chain had inadequate safety practices but lied and omitted material facts in reports to stockholders”.

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Safety is good business!

With all the rules and regulations with which a business needs to comply, an often overlooked area is workplace safety compliance and, specifically, the implications of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration or OSHA. On top of avoiding workers compensation and worker-related frictional costs (production loss/worker distraction, training costs/replacement worker, loss of skill/efficiency – slowed production, administrative time, etc.) compliance can help avoid the penalties that OSHA can impose.

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Contracts – The Foundation of the Project

Merriam-Webster defines the term “contract” as a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties; especially: one legally enforceable. In a construction relationship, there are many types of contracts. These include lump sum, guaranteed maximum price, item rate, cost-plus-fixed fee, and cost-plus-percentage of cost. There are also special contracts which include turnkey, negotiated, package, continuing and running contracts.

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Our areas of expertise include:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Construction Management
  • Customized Risk Management Assessments (RMAs)

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