Transactions & Due Diligence Reviews
The ALS Group’s Transactional Services team will work with the Senior Management and external professionals to uncover risks that may influence the economics of a M&A agreement.
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Our Transactional Services Due Diligence Team will:
- Identify any potential deal-breaking risks
- Identify and quantify undisclosed or unanticipated exposures and liabilities the acquiring firm is assuming
- Review the effectiveness of the risk management processes for both organizations
- Work with the clients legal advisors to determine the contractual risks created by existing and new agreements, combined with a detailed review of the organizational structure of both the acquiring and acquired entities
- Determine the Total Cost of Risk (TCoR)
- Work with lenders to ensure that insurance policies are in agreement with the financing terms
- Manage the insurance placement needed to finalize the acquisition
- Determine alternative risk transfer strategies (captives, loss portfolio transfers, aggregate stop loss programs)
- Recommend risk mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of financial loss to the acquiring firm.